
Your future begins here

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the ÁùºÏ²Ê½á¹û½ñÆÚ team. The Human Resources Department is committed to supportingÌýthe district’s mission of providingÌýexcellent, challenging learning opportunities and experiences that prepare each student for success. We strive to recruit and retain a highly qualified, diverse workforce thatÌýprovides exceptional service to stakeholders. By doing soÌýwe move the district toward achievingÌýits visionÌýof being Wisconsin’s top performing urban school district that is highly regarded for continuously exceeding all expectations.

Why choose Kenosha Unified?

  • WorkÌýalongside passionate, highly-qualified individuals
  • Educate and/or support amazing students
  • Competitive salary
  • Excellent benefit packages for full-time employees
  • Supportive community –ÌýÌýcheck out theÌýÌýwebsite to see what our community has to offer
  • Location, location, location – nestled between Milwaukee and Chicago
  • Equal opportunity employer
  • We value SafetyÌý– providing a safe learning and working environment​; TeamworkÌý– collaborating respectfully to meet goals​; UnityÌý– being united among staff, students, families and all other stakeholders​; DiversityÌý– being inclusive of all individuals​; EquityÌý– treating all in a fair and just manner​; NurturingÌý– providing a caring and encouraging environment​; TrustÌý– building confidence through transparency​; StabilityÌý– building organizational capacity to adapt to change successfully​

Apply Now in WECAN

New to WECAN?

Step 1

Click on the WECAN logo at the top of the page to go to the WECANÌýhome page. From there you can create a new WECAN account or log in to your existing WECANÌýaccount.

WECAN screenshot with logo

Step 2

Once you are atÌýthe Applicant Dashboard, click the search button under the appropriate category. Then type in ÁùºÏ²Ê½á¹û½ñÆÚ in the Employer field to find a position andÌýbegin the application process.

WECAN search button screenshotWECAN search field screenshot